SEO in Bristol: Techniques to Improve Your Website’s Google Ranking

At present, nobody, even the most experienced digital marketer or web developer, exactly knows how Google ranks websites. Apart from the company’s complex ranking factors, the algorithm that Google employs also changes every so often. Some marketers say it’s based on a website’s social signals, whilst some say it’s all about link placement. You may never know how Google grades your websites, but experts of SEO in Bristol know how to keep them at the top of search results. Below are a few suggestions.

Use Keywords Strategically

Your website primarily receives visits because of keywords. If a person, for example, is looking for a place to eat in Bristol, he or she may use the phrases “where to eat Bristol” or “dining in Bristol” upon searching Google. These keywords improve web ranking by inviting more visitors to your site; more visitors means better credibility, which is significant when it comes to search results.